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Skynation is a landuse & digitally creative brand intersecting technology, entertainment and design.

Skynation Nominated for 2 Awards at SBBC’s Annual Small Business Awards

November 21, 2017

When Skynation launched, the Cofounders wanted to start a project to impact African Development positively. Jerry Agudogo was an avid developer, while Kayode Fatoba was passionate about planning. Pivoting as a web development agency focused on African Development while being globally competitive, did not change their focus from supporting the community they hoped to give back to, it strengthened it.

As some of the company’s brands production grew, so did the community’s interest for the company to support their own external production issues. In time, what had started as a passion project evolved into supporting a growing portfolio of projects which continued pushing the CoFounders get back to work. From developing tools to support the African Entertainment Awards in Toronto, building infrastructure, designs, and plans to pioneer the African Descent Festival, Skynation was able to couple digital production and project management to execute a wide range of ideas. The company would play a pivotal role in the production of Canada’s first multicultural Parade, Harambecouver. With word spreading on Skynation’s full service production capabilities, various community leaders have started to turn to the company to support their ideas.

While Skynation made the top 5 emerging startups in 2016, SBBC has nominated Skynation for the both the 2018 community impact award, as well as a marketing award. According to Jerry Agodogo, one of Skynation’s Cofounder, CTO, and President, “this is a great achievement regardless of the company’s success in either of these categories,” he hopes the community they’ve supported over the years can help them in making it to the top 10 as Skynation’s success in this category really depends on it’s ability to garner as much community votes as possible. As a management and production company, the brand is looking to develop a lot more partnerships in the future and increase it’s funding outlets so that it’s able to take on more projects and hire a lot more talents capable of improving it’s overall growth phase and success. Do visit the Small Business BC website to cast your votes!

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