With the Canada Wide expansion strategy of UFW set to unfold by 2018, Cady Brimacombe takes on a new role as the Executive Director of University Fashion Week. A Bachelor of Commerce graduate from the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria, Brimacombe has worked with a variety of organizations from supporting the executive teams of local arts councils, to leading the establishment of the University of Victoria chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society.

Her understanding of the importance of UFW’s Canada wide infrastructural plan is coupled with years of experience working in the Canadian fashion industry. According to Cady, the Canadian fashion landscape needs to support the emergence of designers looking to stitch the fabric of what their Canada looks like, and UFW is the grassroots platform for them to start. With a number of designers gaining their launch and recognition from UFW chapters like SFU Fashion Week, the demand to support a greater deal of presentation will require the entire organization to reenvision its plans, and partner with various organizations who want to support this mission.
Brimacombe is passionate about increasing awareness around diversity, body positivity, and sustainability. While the vision of her team is to expand University Fashion Week within Canada starting in 2018, conversations between both public and private sectors interested in this market will determine the sustainability of this project.
University Fashion Week is a platform and national event week that offers grassroots designers the ability to showcase their designs and increase awareness about their brands. UFW also advocates for creating conversation around hot cultural and industry topics in the fashion industry.
Published on: August 17, 2017 @08:30