Company Name (required)
Representative Name
Phone Number
Representative Email
Billing Address
Project Summary
Due Date: Give us a target so we know the urgency, privatization, and turn around time)
Legal Representative Given the confidential nature of our business, we need a representative that is responsible for this project and interacting with our team.
What is your domain name?
Is this a registered company, if so kindly tell us a bit about your venture, idea, or business.
Product Delivery Period When do you need this product developed by and how long do we have to work on it Less than 1 MonthLess than 2 MonthsLess than 4 Months5 - 6 MonthsUp to a year +
Budget Note*** Budget constraints do affect the level of service and product delivery, and capabilities of our team. <= 1000> $1000> $3000> $5000> $10000 (Apps, ERPs, Custom 2 Month+)
Purchased Domain? YesNo
Will you be needing a maintenance, updates, and upgrades package? YesNo
Will you be storing this digital asset on your hosting server or would you like Skynation to host and manage this digital asset and it's respective passwords and systems administration requirements? YesNo
Will you be providing content for this site or will Skynation be required to support content development? YesNo
What % of branding services do you current have as part of your content provision. (Logos, Website UI Designs, High Definition Photography) None(I will need a logo, and everything for this project)25%(I have a logo but that's it)50%(I have a logo, content, photos)100%(I already have a company with it's colors, logo, facebook page logo, HQ photography e.t.c)
Will you be needing a Project/Business/Digital manager associated with this project? YesNo
How long are you looking to outsource the digital management/production services? > 1 Year> 2 Years> 3 Years> 4 Years
Sample inspirations
Do you have a business plan and operations in place for this project. YesNo
Will you be requiring any S.E.O Services with this project? YesNo