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August 1, 2021

Host Club Development Program Kicks Off Recruitment and Training Camp With No Show Except Production Owner and Lead Footballers.

The road to #FR22 kicks off with a focus on Commitment as the main conversation that promotes talents within the Nyack York camp as well as the Golden Moose camp. While there may be a wide range of leagues and tournaments, having IVXW shift Skynation productions into Canadian Soccer production and attempt to resurrect and integrate it’s free to play program model into a male centric football festival will not be easy.

With the need to start shifting of BTS private social media and digital production platforms to live simulation Training Camps with a priority on starting to see the talents looking to fight for an opportunity to compere; the quick announcement about the commencement of a training camp within Preseason talents making an appearance at the community pickup scrimmages has proven as predicted the lack of seriousness and dedication associated with building the NYEFC camp to be truly worth the investment in the future. While some may argue that “Day One” of the weekly subprogramming kicking off with less than 48 hours announcement across the production owner’s various platforms and tools of whom had not been updated the week before about these camp date should also be worth a consideration.

A program attempting to capture a community of whom may have stumbled into permitted and organized sports as performers while not being able to afford that reality may not always grow up into having the time to make that time even if they want to and this is part of what may be realities to consider when attempting to develop this type of program. With ownership committing to a second program, a Golden Moose squad of whom will equally need to sign contracts within their confirmation of being able to make a private Training Camp that may tentatively confirmed May 2022, the reality is, at this stage, both programs while showing traction on social media does now show promising competitors at this stage of the development program.

As the production gets more and more developed and flushed out, more and more milestones before integrated as required to deliver the festival and at a basal level, the priority in the signed talents to be broken by the label into this new normal will need to prove that commitment and at this moment, that was not something that was observable from the No Show from Day 1. Nyack York Elite’s camp is awarded a major radius from North York, Ontario to Nyack, New York. This on one side means there may be talents that’s negotiated into #FR22 from their connections as development players to NYEFC’s diverse agents, but there’s a difference between making the official tryouts of the development club and making it to the slated weekly practice within the year long training camp.

The reality is the novelty of this program from this kickstart has proven that this program cannot rely on any history of which may have gotten the development programers to this stage given their inability to take the owner seriously puts all campaigners at the same stage as the larger audience of whom may not know a thing about the history of the club and may merely want to be part of a soccer community. According to the program creator; the announcement for the launch of the Training Camp came about 48 hours before the actual practice of which at a certain level, these male centric programming has to take into account that each young adult and senior adult, each of their contract conditions and realities are different of which makes it hard to commit to practice times within 48 hours notice, but better late than never, though it’s understandable that never late is better. From some having work commitments, and a range of personal commitments that may have been pushed to the weekend while they leverage the weekday to work, the reality is, there may be a lot more talents looking to benefit from the #NYEFC access at #FR22, but unfortunately could not make the time. 

While that may be true, the reality is, the program creator and Golden Moose creator showed up. That commitment factor means if the program was leveraging capital for recruitment purposes, that becomes a loss, but at who’s expense. At the moment, both Golden Moose and Nyack York are not worth any ounce investment conversation as development programs, but at the level of having a program creator of whom is developing metrics to valuate commitment at each level of the platforms programming does show that talents of whom the label will attempt to draft and break will have to go through a range of training and understanding before engaging the commercial sector within this national programming. With Nyack York camp kicking off to a shaky start, that FR22 conversation may also mean Canada Golden Moose’s commitment event which is currently slated in May needs to really start to prioritize locking in it’s recruited talents for it’s camp given the diversity of investment requirements from each club that registers and commits to the reunion.

Strangely, the production owner is not surprised by the no show, according to Adeifa, the reality is, Nyack Yorks program is not the same as Golden Moose and can never be. As children, there’s the position of those, where, your parents are able to make the time to drop you off at practice while giving you that peace of mind to concentrate and being able to pick you up after practice is finished. Now lets imagine this isn’t all the children and for some children, they stumbled on performance sports by playing with their friends at recess or downstairs, or after school and were discovered by a local house league coach within their parents more letting them roam free and get involved in performance sports given someone was taking the various expenses associated with giving them that permitting opportunity. See, while that may give some the opportunity to have someone that reminds them of their games and even makes the time to drop them off at soccer, the reality is, growing up for talents from the historical foundations of Nyack York, may also have been lot different within their choice of getting involved in opportunities like #FR22 or investing in their children and a range of other items demanding their time being such cost benefit decisions given time as a scarcity and that is precisely the reason why the NYEFC program is anyone’s game. There’s a demand for reserve energy able to show up while the kickoff of Day1 proves that the program cannot rely on history or it will find itself devalued with no one showing up with weeks left to the festival.

At a certain level where you start getting a range of opportunities to play a sport, commitment is making the time to fly to Texas for a tournament, travel away from your school and university for games, and other demands of next tier of which now has you staying in that sport as your calendar becomes clearer with you earning that Degree and having no more class to take, while starting to have time for sports and yourself again. Commitment at the level of this noshow is something that many athletes will at their various development stages have to make themselves and it comes in a range of ways, from a choice to sign into Proleague before or after school, or staying in Academia, shifting out of sports to finish your education. The reality is, on the Nyack York side, the priority for commercial sports, specifically that window towards being able to perform or feeling they can make that male roster is very much out the window. To some having players not show up to the first day of the programming may seem like the biggest disappointment but Adeifa believes while it would have been great to see just one player, starting the training program with a no show also shows that NYEFCs Starting11 roster is anyone’s game!

Some may feel commitment is them training on their own time, yet the reality is this is not their festival, it is not their team, it’s not their time or production. The parameters of which the program starts to demand from campaigners slowly start to become targeted to some extent where those who want to compete will need to make the various dates and understand the contract parameters to signing up to be part of such a development program. One thing that was interesting was the rebranding that happened within IVXW rolling out NYEFC’s new emblem within the #FR22 development journey. Not only does NYEFC now have it’s own emblem unlike the start of this journey, much like Golden Moose, it seems as though outside the soft social media release, one may expect the Nyack York camp to start picking up with this meeting time slated to be something that sticks. As more and more scouts understand the private invitational aspect of this production, there will slowly be an understanding that the infrastructure and platforms being invested in the talents being signed into this sports performance events do have to see that Commitment and right now, it’ll take a lot to get that NYEFC program there.

With well over 20 weeks of development training camps still slated on the road to #FR22, having a no show for week one isn’t very much a big deal as the need for programming to also start to demand commitment from the Golden Moose talents within the need for that campaign not to wait till may to navigate position. At this stage, while there may be other training times as the planning and development of the program continues, at the moment, the no show associated with Day 1 currently proves and questions the reality of weather Nyack York is worth the investment at all. Sometimes, there’s a need to come to terms with the fact that programs fade away, but with more practice dates slated for ongoing weeks, the Production Creator, Creative Producer and Footballer believes there will be a slow and gradual participation of talents that start to take themselves seriously and see the program from a new perspective, but I believe before, the average talent sees that competition and takes that time demand seriously, it cannot be gauged from one missed practice announced 48 hours before the slated event. With more publishing on the way, stay tuned for more information as the #FR22 program develops.

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