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Tobi Ogude Releases, ‘A Black Man’s Culture’

Inspired by events from 2016, and the need to address the struggle for Justice faced by a number of communities, Tobi Ogude, a local poet, releases a powerful piece focused on addressing these topics.

According to the poet, “We’ve believed these lies, we have forgotten the richness and diversity hidden in the Black community.”

Tobi believes there is a culture that is bigger than just being black, each of us in our community belong to a series of ancestral descent that establishes us within the foundation of our origins. Though we are losing our minds with the constant police brutality, we must learn to take a moment and really understand the power of our art, our voices, and our origins. This is the only way to protect not just our brothers and sisters, but also our joy, mental stability, physical health and culture.

We must not allow them to win. We must seek God, the Owner of justice, to help us fight back the powers that come to steal, kill and destroy our communities. We must join God in the art of creation.

We must use our art, our voices, our culture and our platforms to re-build ourselves.

Check out Tobi’s Official Video below!

Published on: Jan 16, 2017 @15:30

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